The fundamental first-principled truths are, more often than not, in complete opposition to conventional wisdom. The world often works the exact opposite way than what we think.
- Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life
- Passive investing is anything but passive
- Quantitative easing and low interest rates are deflationary
- Startups are not about taking risks. They are about eliminating them
- Monopolies pretend to be in perfect competition
- Companies in perfect competition pretend to be monopolies
- The bigger the market a startup has on its investor deck the worse the signal it sends
- Competition is for losers
- Most investment firms are marketing firms
- Discipline equals freedom
- Most of the current social justice, activism cultural and political narratives and tropes are completely contradicted by data, science and well-known established research
- Totalitarianism always flies in on the wings of beautiful ideas
The list is incredibly long.